From left: Nicky Zammit, Dale Pace, Francesca Zammit Cutajar, Zoe Mizzi and Jeremy Grech.From left: Nicky Zammit, Dale Pace, Francesca Zammit Cutajar, Zoe Mizzi and Jeremy Grech.

From left: Irene Frendo, Sandra Bartoli, Maria Pia Anastasi and Lucienne Grima at Nissan’s brand event and launch of the electric Nissan Leaf at Pjazza De Valette, Valletta.From left: Irene Frendo, Sandra Bartoli, Maria Pia Anastasi and Lucienne Grima at Nissan’s brand event and launch of the electric Nissan Leaf at Pjazza De Valette, Valletta.

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