After a long hibernation, Dr George Bonello Dupuis woke up to a modern world and arrogantly rebuked fellow politicians like Franco Debono, Joe Borg and Josie Muscat.

The irony of it all is that none from the PN ever rebuked or disciplined Dr Bonello Dupuis, when as finance minister, he was reported to have openly proclaimed that he was not so frustrated by our rising national debt as this would be incurred by our children and grandchildren! A piece of irresponsible advice coming from a finance minister!

On the contrary, he was later rewarded by being appointed Maltese High Commissioner in London.

And, alas, nowadays we are all living up to Dr Bonello Dupuis' prophecy. It is clear that according to his way of reasoning , what's good for the goose is not good for the gander.

Dr Bonello Dupuis seems to be still living in the past and has not yet realised that, unlike his good old days, politicians and others today sometimes openly disagree with their party's leadership. Political parties are now more open to internal criticism than ever before.

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