The planned partial reopening of restaurants in two weeks' time is positive but not enough to save most establishments, the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association said on Sunday.

"The reopening conditions will not be of much help for the majority of restaurants to ensure sustainable operations of their business," the association said.

Prime Minister Robert Abela said earlier on Sunday that restaurants and snack bars will be allowed to reopen on May 10, but they have to close by 5pm.

MHRA President Tony Zahra in a reaction said: “it’s positive that we now have a date for the re-opening of restaurants but opening only for lunch does not make business sense for the majority of restaurants. Many restaurants will continue to remain under a lot of pressure and our appeal to government is to allow restaurants to serve dinner too whilst ensuring proper enforcement measures to guarantee that rules are abided for by all.”

The association said that while it supported the principle of protecting lives and livelihoods, restaurants were still paying the highest price as no business could survive if they could not serve customers.

"The core business model of most restaurants depends on both lunch and dinner, mainly dinner, and therefore for many it will not be feasible to open for lunch only," the association said.


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