Rules on mask-wearing at Mater Dei Hospital are set to be relaxed as of July 1, with face coverings no longer remaining obligatory in non-clinical areas of the hospital. 

Hospital staff received a circular on Friday informing them of the rule change.

Non-clinical areas include hospital corridors, main reception area, public canteen, education centres, conference halls, offices and administration areas.

Masks will remain obligatory within wards or departments where patients are receiving care, including outpatients, operating theatres and the medical imaging department.

These rules apply to hospital staff as well as patients and visitors.

The circular, which Times of Malta has seen, states that the updated rules follow guidance provided by the Superintendent of Public Health. 

Obligatory mask-wearing in public places was introduced in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in a bid to prevent the spread of the virus. However, last year, the obligation was all but dropped in most public areas barring some exceptions, including hospitals and care homes. 

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