Young mother Kimberline D’Alfonso left her job to focus on her young son and on growing her new business – making reusable, biodegradable beeswax wraps that can be used instead of clingfilm. She tells us how she founded BeezNeez Wax Wraps to help in the fight against single-use plastics - by replacing clingfilm with something eco-friendly, practical and beautiful.

Clingfilm, or as many of us call it ‘stretch and seal’ – we all know what it is and many of us go through countless rolls a year as we store leftovers and pack lunches. But as we ‘save’ food for the next day, we often forget that clingfilm is yet another form of non-reusable plastic that is littering our planet. 

Kimberline D’Alfonso, 33, has discovered a greener alternative to the plastic food wrap.

It all started when a year ago her sister, who lives in Australia, told her about an amazing product she bought – reusable beeswax wraps used instead of clingfilm. 

“Her excitement got me intrigued to know more. I’ve always loved making things, so I saw this as a perfect opportunity to be creative and work towards a healthier planet,” says Kim.

As she did more research she learnt that, apart from being eco-friendly, these wax wraps are healthier since they are chemical-free. They also have antibacterial and antifungal properties, inbuilt in their natural ingredients, and are ultimately more cost effective.

“I instantly fell in love and decided I could make some beeswax wraps myself since I could not find them here in Malta. The first BeezNeez wrap I made was made of cotton and beeswax. It was a simple version, good, but not perfect.  I spent months trying out new formulations, until I finally found the perfect formula for the perfect wrap, which is what our product is today,” she says.

Six months ago Kim left her fulltime job to focus on her four-year-old son, Kian, and on growing her company. “I want to create beautiful products that work amazingly well too, which is what BeezNeez wraps are. Our mission is to reduce single-use plastic pollution, ensuring a better planet for us and future generations as well having a healthier population. I love the fact that I can do something that covers so much and has so many positives.”

What are the wax wraps made of?

BeezNeez wax wraps are made of beeswax, cotton and jojoba oil. The beeswax used is local - raw, unrefined, unbleached, uncoloured and unprocessed.  

“Beeswax is a natural substance, generated and secreted by happy, healthy, honey bees. Sadly, over the past years, bee colonies have been disappearing. Across society, we often undervalue nature and what it does for us, but we can all do our bit to support and also work together to save the bees,” she says.

Wraps can be used for up to a year or until they are no longer sticky. The wraps are easily cleaned with soap and lukewarm water (hot water will melt them) then left to airdry. 

How do they work? 

The wraps can be used to preserve and cover food directly, or in containers.  Simply cover the food or container with the wrap, then gently mould it in place with the warmth of your hands. Just like clingfilm, wraps stick best to themselves. 

The wraps come in two different packs, one made of organic cotton and the other made of normal cotton. Each standard pack consists of one 25cm x 25cm wrap and two 20cm x 20cm wraps. The wraps can also be made to order.
Kim now plans to launch a new pack designed for children.

“This is important as we believe we should introduce our children to the importance of reducing waste as early as possible. This leads to eco-friendly habits they will carry into adulthood,” she says adding: “I also love the idea of bringing joy to school children when they open their lunch boxes and find their lunch wrapped in lovingly made healthy and eco-friendly wraps,” she says.

This story was first published in Sunday Circle, a Times of Malta publication. Read the full edition here

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