The Finance Ministry said in a statement today that no one would be forced to leave Ta’Qali Crafts Village, despite government plans to build a crafts centre at Dock 1 in Cospicua.

“While it is the government’s intention to develop an arts and crafts centre at Dock 1, this does not in any way mean that the SMEs at Ta’Qali will be abandoned,” the ministry said.

It said it was actually holding talks with the GRTU on the future at Ta’ Qali including ways how it could be upgraded.

The ministry also pointed out, in reaction to press reports, that no EU funds had been lost on the Ta’ Qali village modernisation. What had happened was that a number of submissions were made for EU funds and preference had been given for funding for a Biotechnology Park . The purpose of the park was to provide facilities for research and innovation for industry.

The ministry said it however wanted to reaffirm its commitment to SMEs and it was confident that agreement would be reach for the benefit of the Ta’Qali commercial community.

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