No one in favour of abortion will be allowed to form part of, or represent PN, Bernard Grech has declared in his clearest declaration against abortion since becoming leader of the party.
"The issue of abortion, for me, is a closed one. This party was, is and will remain against abortion. My predecessors and I have made this position clear. The party’s position is also clearly listed in its statute,” he told a radio interview.
"No one, and I repeat no one" in favour of abortion will be allowed to "remain in the party, or represent the party", for as long as he is party leader, he said.
Grech's comments come days after PN election candidate Emma Portelli Bonnici called for an end to the “systematic abuse of women who dare to speak about controversial views” after she was inundated by a barrage of hate speech over a comment about abortion that she never made.
During the same event, PN health spokesperson Stephen Spiteri was asked whether the PN would include abortion as part of the policy and he said abortion was a subject to be discussed in parliament
On Tuesday, Grech accused Labour of a false narrative over PN's stand on the matter.
“We are duty bound to be in favour of life. We’ve always been this way and will remain this way.”
Politicians needed to ensure that they not only “no one killed a baby no matter it’s age - even if it is yet unborn” but also understand the challenges that those contemplating to go through with abortion are facing and help them decide against it, he added.
“If we want to truly be called nationalists and democratic Christians we are duty bound to say we are against abortion, be against it in practice, but also actively work so that no mother, nor father, Maltese or not, go through with an abortion, as that baby is life and life is precious.“
He questioned how a party could discuss climate change and urge for the preservation of the environment for future generations, but not also be in favour of future generations.
“If we preserve a turtle egg and ensure it is not destroyed, can anyone believe that we won’t preserve the life of a baby that has just been conceived?”