Non-EU workers hoping to get jobs in tourism and hospitality in Malta will need to have a skills pass from May.

The pass, which costs up to €475, was originally due to be introduced in January. 

However, it was postponed to be 'fine-tuned', and following concerns by the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association that there was too little time for the industry to comply with requirements. 

At a news conference on Monday, the government said the skills card will now become mandatory from May. 

From April 8, non-EU workers seeking jobs in the tourism and hospitality industry can apply for an online course in English language proficiency, customer care, hospitality and what Malta offers tourists.  

It will be taught by two artificial intelligence personas called 'Ryan' and 'Clara' and will be needed for work in hotels, bars, restaurants, kitchen staff, housekeeping and front office posts.

From May 6, online verification interviews will be carried out before the pass is issued.

'We will see better service'

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri said the pass was one of a series of measures aimed at ending "the abuse of workers" and would act as a filter to "ensure that only quality workers" are hired. 

Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo described the introduction of the skills pass as an opportunity to deliver quality tourism. 

"I am optimistic that in a few months, we will start to see a better service," he said. 

Besides the pass, the candidate would have to be approved by Jobsplus and the police before receiving a one-year work permit.

Malta Enterprise will also launch a tax credit scheme in April intended to assist local enterprises opting to pay the courses and assessments required for their existing employees to obtain the pass.

CEO of ITS Pierre Fenech. Photo: Matthew MirabelliCEO of ITS Pierre Fenech. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

By January 2025, any tourism and hospitality workers already working in Malta, and who want to renew their work permits, will also need to apply for a skills pass.

The scheme will then be rolled out to all EU and Maltese workers in the tourism and hospitality industry from January 2026.

Maltese and EU workers who are not formally qualified in hospitality but have significant experience will undergo a verification process in January 2026.

However, Maltese and EU workers formally qualified in their respective fields will be granted a pass automatically.

EU licensed institutions delivering tourism and hospitality courses will be issued with a free student pass for the duration of their internship.

If there are no objections from any other pertinent authority after a year, then the candidate could be granted up to a two-year work and residency permit as long as they meet certain criteria.

The scheme is run by the Institute of Tourism Studies, the Malta Tourism Authority and Identita.

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