Joseph Farrugia (b.1959) is a Maltese visual artist who has been drawing and painting throughout his life. He has taught art at post-secondary level and lectures in visual literacy for marketers at the University of Malta.

Also known through his career as an economist, specialising in the field of industrial relations and social dialogue, Farrugia has exhibited in numerous exhibitions over a span of more than 30 years. Some of the paintings from his extensive oeuvre are being exhibited at MUŻA as from tomorrow.

His art is generally introspective and addresses existential themes, inspired by a constant search for identity and provoking questions about the nature of being.

The artist says that he has always been a compulsive doodler. Doodling for him might have been a way of establishing a link between his inner mind and the outside world.

Nous is on at MUŻA from tomorrow to October 1.

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