There were 2,675 people registering for work in January, 984 more than in the same month in 2020, the National Statistics Office said.
That represents a 58 per cent increase over a one-year period.
The NSO said on Wednesday that, according to data provided by Jobsplus, registered unemployment levels increased across all age groups.
The largest increase was recorded among persons who had been registering between 21 and 52 weeks.
There was, however, a drop in the number of those who had been registering for work for more than one year when compared to the same month in 2020.
The number of people with a disability registering for work increased by 20 when compared to the previous year, reaching 251.
Males accounted for 72.5% of total registrants with a disability.
The largest share of males and females on the unemployment register sought occupations as clerical support workers, with 21.3% and 39.5% respectively.