The time has come to evaluate the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction to include all essential services, Ombudsman Anthony Mifsud said on Tuesday.

Speaking during the launch of Edward Warrington’s book 'Serving People and Parliament – The Ombudsman Institution in Malta, 1995 – 2020' to mark the institution’s 25th anniversary, Mifsud said many essential services are currently being given by private enterprises under the surveillance of regulatory authorities.

However, the mechanisms for the consideration of clients’ complaints did not have the powers and autonomy of the Ombudsman. Besides, people who are not citizens do not always enjoy the safeguards of the laws and of state agencies.

For social and cultural reasons, some people were not aware of the assistance and remedies offered by institutions such as that of the Ombudsman.

It was, therefore, time for parliament to evaluate the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction to include all essential services, he said.

Mifsud also called for the improvement of outreach programmes for more people to become aware of the Ombudsman and for the institution to become more accessible to the emarginated.


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