A man who landed himself in hot water with the police after having a drink too many on New Year’s Day, has been jailed and fined.

Ekele Orogodo, 28, ended up in police custody after behaving aggressively towards police officers who spotted him urinating in public on Saturday.

The incident allegedly took place at Marsa when the Nigerian-born Orogodo was approached by officers from the Rapid Intervention Unit.

The man, who had been drinking heavily, insulted and spat at the officers, the prosecution said. His reaction was captured on video, the court was told.

The accused kept up his aggressive behaviour when taken into police custody but as the influence of alcohol wore off, he had apologised for his wrongdoing and repeated his apology even during today’s arraignment.

The accused pleaded guilty to threatening and insulting the officers, offending public morals, exposing himself in public, refusing to obey legitimate orders, being drunk as well as spitting in public.

Prosecuting Inspector Andy Rotin informed the court that the accused had arrived in Malta one month ago and still had no work permit nor money, pointing this out when making submissions on punishment.

The man’s legal aid lawyer Ramon Bonnett Sladden suggested that the accused be sent back to Italy.

However the court, presided over by magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech, observed that such an order fell within the competence of the Police Commissioner and Immigration authorities.

After confirming his guilty plea, the accused was handed a one-month jail term and an €800 fine in terms of law, whilst being warned by the court to control his drinking which had landed him in trouble and tainted his criminal record shortly upon his arrival on the island.

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