A private members’ bill has been tabled in parliament by the Opposition to repeal a provision in the Notarial Profession and Notarial Archives Act which “discriminates” against women

In a statement the Nationalist Party said that the move followed the Constitutional Court judgment on January 26, 2018 in the case Marie Therese Cuschieri vs The Attorney General.

The court had found that the provision of this law - which states that if any of the parties in a notarial act is a woman, it shall also be stated whether she is a spinster, a married woman or a widow – was in breach of fundamental rights. However, the proviso is yet to be repealed.

The Opposition said it would be holding talks with the Notarial Council and the government to ensure that steps are taken to eliminate this form of discrimination against women from Maltese laws.

The Bill was signed by deputy leader for parliamentary Affairs David Agius, Opposition MPs Claudette Buttigieg and Therese Comodini Cachia as well as the Whip Robert Cutajar


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