The Opposition this afternoon slammed the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) for failing to address the PN’s concerns about the safety of the LNG tanker and power station in Marsaxlokk.

Nationalist Party president Ann Fenech said the party was concerned about the ERA's lack of independent thinking.

During a “so called public consultation” in November, Electrogas could not answer questions raised about the residents’ welfare, while its claim to have handed certification documents about the vessel’s jetty to Transport Malta, were denied by the transport watchdog itself, she noted.

Dr Fenech said she had written to ERA chairman Victor Axiaq, asking for a meeting during which the party could voice its concerns about the project, however, she was told that the PN could raise such questions during next Monday’s public meeting.

“How can board members assess our concerns, investigate the technical questions we are raising, and reach a decision during the same board meeting,” she asked.

The party, Dr Fenech said, had not only been denied a meeting with the authority, but it did not yet have replies to the questions it had raised, she added. 

“Yesterday, we were told, once again, that we can voice our concerns at Monday’s meeting. This is unacceptable in a democratic country… The ERAis not working in the interest of the public.”

Dr Fenech speaking at the press conference, with Mr Callus and Dr Portelli.Dr Fenech speaking at the press conference, with Mr Callus and Dr Portelli.

Nationalist MP Ryan Callus noted that Electrogas’ comments to Times of Malta showed that the operation of the gas tanker and power station were a fait accompli.

This meant that the public consultation process was a farce and there was no interest in answering concerns about the residents’ welfare.

“On Monday we will learn whether the ERA  is truly a strong authority, or whether it is sleeping with the government like its sister, the Planning Authority.

“It will be a credibility test for the ERA's board members. They will be shouldering responsibility for any dangers that exist.”

Meanwhile, Marthese Portelli, shadow minister for energy, said that as time went by, there were more questions than answers about the LNG tanker and power station.

“The only thing we know about this project is that the price negotiated is double that of the price that electricity can be bought today [through the interconnector].”


In a reaction, the Office of the Prime Minister said the replies which the Opposition is seeking have been on the website of the consultation process and available fora long time. The Opposition, therefore, either wanted to deceive or it was not sticking to the facts.

Today's press conference, the government said, continued to show how the opposition was against the switch-over to the use of gas for the power stations, despite it being translated to lower emissions, cleaner air, and sustainable reductions of power tariffs.

The Opposition also lacked the credentials to speak about the energy sector because it lacked a plan for the country and were it up to the opposition, the Marsa power station would still be belching out harmful emissions.

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