A number of non-governmental organisations are calling for the protection of stateless people in Malta including through the establishment of statelessness into law.

A briefing note prepared by the Aditus Foundation, with the support of the European Network on Statelessness, calls for the possibility of granting a “stateless refugee” status and for the identification and added protection of vulnerable applicants.

The note is aimed at urging Malta to follow through with its international commitment to protect stateless people. 

In a statement also endorsed by other organisations, Aditus said that although in  2019 Malta acceded to the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, it has not yet taken the necessary legislative or administrative steps to fulfil its obligations. 

As a result of this omission, stateless persons in Malta remain unidentified and vulnerable to violations of their fundamental human rights. These include the rights to education, employment, freedom from discrimination, housing, personal liberty, family and private life, it said.

Furthermore, without a formal procedure mandated to determine statelessness, Malta is unable to gain the necessary insights into the nature and size of its stateless population. Due to this, it is prevented from taking those steps that could remedy and prevent statelessness, aditus continued

It said that while discussions with the Home Affairs Ministry remain on-going, the need is felt to stimulate the process by providing technical input. 

“The aim of this briefing note is to urge government to establish a statelessness determination procedure that is accessible, fair and efficient, and that leads to a dedicated status with clear rights attached to it,” it said.

The note was endorsed by the African Media Association, Blue Door English, The Critical Institute, Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, Integra Foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service (Malta), KOPIN, Migrant Women Association (Malta), Platform for Migration, Spark 15, and the Women's Rights Foundation.

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