Over 350 front-line medical staff at Mater Dei Hospital will be receiving free meals for two weeks as they battle to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Thomas Franks Malta Ltd on Friday said they have been working on a community kitchen project to feed the dedicated doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff on the island.

“Our priority is to provide fresh, nutritious meals and to keep our location kitchens working for the benefit of those who most need our support at this time,” the company said.  
The project , Thomas Franks Feeding Communities, was made possible thanks to a donation from Paddy Power Betfair. 
For two weeks, the Thomas Franks team will be preparing, cooking and packing fresh meals to be delivered to over 350 healthcare staff who are working in the eleven Covid-19 wards. 

On Tuesday, the staff, including doctors, nurses, cleaners and administrators were able to choose from a variety of meals including a main meat or vegetarian meal or a choice of two salads, one meat and one vegetarian option.
Jon Grima, Thomas Franks Malta Chef Director, csaid he was very proud to be involved in the initiative and feeding members of the healthcare service that are on the front line. 

“I truly believe we can make a huge difference in this time of need. I urge you all to share the news that we are here to help. We are ready to feed as many people as possible; we are all in this together,” he said.  

Sir Paul Boffa Hospital staff also receiving meals 

As word of the project spread, a nurse from Sir Paul Boffa Hospital got in touch to see what Thomas Franks could do to help them. Starting from next week, they will be feeding 300 meals a week to medical staff there.

The company has also teamed up with food delivery service Time to Eat to deliver meals to organisations such as the YMCA. They are also working with the Cross Culture International Foundation who support marginalised groups and will provide over 700 meals in the next six to eight weeks.
To support the Thomas Franks Feeding Communities project, contact jon.grima@thomasfranks.co.uk

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