The Planning Authority approved an application to transform a large stretch of arable land in Żurrieq into a residential complex on Tuesday. 

The planning control application in the Nigret area would see the construction of five blocks across the 18,302-square-metre plot, equivalent to the size of 70 tennis courts. The development also includes the proposal of two new public schemed roads.

Four of these three-and-a-half-storey blocks are earmarked for apartments, while one is designated for “social and community facilities”. The apartment blocks will cover 70 per cent of the site. 

A tenth of the area will be taken up by a road, and a quarter will be allocated to open spaces, according to the zoning plans. The zoning parameters were established in the 2006 South Malta Local Plan.

The site area is located at Triq Fra Gammari Zammit, Triq Zaccaria Roncali and Triq Fra Luca Zurki.

The zoning application was proposed by Tum Invest, the same company that has another zoning application in the area. 

The large development had been slated for approval by a Planning Authority case officer because the site is within the development zone and adheres to local plans. 

In a hearing on Tuesday afternoon, the application was unanimously approved by members of the PA’s Executive Council, despite the ongoing archaeological investigations being carried out by the Superintendent of Cultural Heritage having not yet been concluded. 

As detailed in the case officer's report, the Superintendent of Cultural Heritage had recommended the evaluation take place before the zoning decision, so that if any archaeological discoveries are made, the layout of the development is amended accordingly.

Yet, the heritage watchdog also gave developers the option of conducting archaeological studies after the zoning permit was issued.

During the meeting, the project's architect, Joseph Bondin said archaeological studies are currently ongoing. 

One member of the Executive Board asked Bondin how the large development would be achieved, adding that "to develop a site like this, you need millions of euros".

Bondin said there will be a phasing plan for the development, to ensure the project is achievable. 

When asked what plans he has for the open space of the area, he said the open space will include trees and greenery which will be enjoyed by locals and residents. 

He said the local council will be provided with 350 square metres of a building to be used for "community space".

A building earmarked for a 'social and community facility' will be developed into an elderly home- satisfying the suggestion made by the council, Bondin added.

Żurrieq, especially the Nigret area, has made headlines for several zoning changes. 

This application’s site is across from another site undergoing a zoning change, which could lead to the development of an additional 12,000 square metres of arable land.

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