To celebrate the 134 anniversary from the birth of Padre Pio, the saint from Pietrelcina, all prayer groups in Gozo and devotees of the saint are invited to attend a special prayer session at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces in Victoria on Tuesday, May 25, at 6p.m.

The meeting will begin with the recitation of the rosary and adoration of the Holy Eucharist, followed by a solemn concelebrated Mass led by Fr Paul Bugeja, OFM.Cap., the national spiritual director of all prayer groups in Malta and Gozo at 7pm. Fr Bugeja will be assisted by Fr Guardian Alfred Scerri, OFM.Cap., other spiritual directors and the friars of the sanctuary. A donation will be presented to Fr Bugeja to help Capuchin seminarians in Kenya.

Singer Mario Caruana will animate the celebration.

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