Angry parents have protested the "safety hazards" at a primary school in Paola that have caused severe injuries to students, with some having to be treated for broken bones. 

Hundreds signed a petition highlighting the deteriorating state of the school and demanding immediate action.

The petition, which has been tabled in parliament, said the padded flooring in the school yard has been in a "deplorable condition" for the last eight years.

"This has been the root cause of several injuries suffered by students, some of which have been severe (broken bones)," it reads. "Other minor injuries happen often due to the tripping hazard."

It said that despite the dangers, the school was told it is in 11th place on a waiting list for improvements.

Buckets to collect water

Parents also criticised the lack of proper waterproofing at the government school. 

“The school resorted to placing buckets to collect the leaking water, with pieces of plaster ceiling occasionally collapsing," the petition reads. "Despite reports and concerns, the issue persists."

The petition notes that the school’s leadership has flagged issues, written reports and pushed for change, however, the problems persist.

“Being on a waiting list is an unacceptable response as waiting for the safety of our children should not be an option," the petition reads. 

Some 197 people signed the petition which was set up by Jacob Axiaq, a parent and educator at the school.

In August of last year, the school met with an architect from the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools (FTS) to plan a way forward but was told the school was on a waiting list.

The FTS, set up in 2001, is a government organisation that designs and builds new schools and refurbishes and maintains existing sites.

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