A husband and wife have been remanded in custody after being charged separately with physically abusing their young daughters for several years.

The man, a 43-year-old deliveryman from Mtarfa, was accused of defilement of both daughters, performing non-consensual sexual activity and subjecting them to acts of physical intimacy. His wife, 42, was accused of permitting the abuse and stopping her daughters from reporting it.

Both accused pleaded not guilty.

The alleged victims are now 13 and 17.  

The alleged ill-treatment came to light when the younger girl spoke up to the mother of a friend during a sleepover. The mother filed a report at Rabat police station on Saturday, accompanied by the girl, who turned 13 on Tuesday.  

She told the police that her mother knew about her plight but often warned her not to tell anyone and that included authorities and also the police. The girl said that her older sister was also facing the same abuse. 

The 13-year old was spoken to by both the police and officials from the Child Protection Unit. Her sister was also spoken to and confirmed the account, after which arrest warrants were issued against the children’s parents.

Magistrate Abigail Critien turned down a request for bail since the alleged victims still have to testify and in view of the seriousness of the accusations. She also issued a protection order in favour of the girls and others who helped the alleged victims file a report. Publication of all names was banned under court order.  

Inspectors Godwin Scerri and Wayne Buhagiar and AG lawyer Dareen Grima prosecuted.

Legal aid lawyer Martin Farrugia appeared for the accused. 


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