As a resident of Naxxar for the past 13 years, I’ve witnessed first-hand the beauty of our town, steeped in culture and tradition. From the vibrant feasts to the rich heritage, Naxxar holds a special place in the hearts of its residents. This is one of the reasons why I decided to run for the Naxxar local council elections.

Culture and feasts have always been integral to my life, serving as the assistant secretary and, later, vice-president of the Peace Band Club. Additionally, my passion for sport led me to become part of the team behind the TV programme Replay. These experiences have shaped my understanding of the importance of strong local communities, where residents feel a sense of belonging.

As a father, I also understood the importance of having family friendly localities, not least ones that offer cultural and sports activities to children. If elected to the Naxxar council, this will be one of my priorities.

The locality faces a number of challenges that need to be addressed. Over the past years, as is the case of other localities, Naxxar has witnessed considerable changes due to a construction boom. While I am not opposed to development, I believe it must be carried out with utmost respect for residents and the character of our town. Too often, planning lacks the necessary aesthetics that an old town like Naxxar deserves.

I am committed to being the voice of residents, advocating for responsible development and ensuring that our town retains its unique charm. Labour MPs, including those elected from the 10th district, which includes Naxxar, have failed to stand up to be counted. Our government has let us down.

Local councils need to be truly engaged in decision making and not consulted simply as part of a check list. Incidentally, over the years we have seen several cases of local councils opposing major developments. This goes to show how vital it is to have good local councils willing to stand up for residents and who put their communities first.

Several local councils across Europe are adopting participatory democracy tools where citizens actively participate in decision-making processes rather than relying solely on elected representatives. Participatory democracy is key to strengthening our locality and ensuring that the needs of all residents are taken into account.

I propose the formation of a subcommittee with representation from residents across Naxxar to work closely with the council in implementing policies and allocating funds. By engaging citizens in decision-making, we can foster a greater sense of ownership and accountability in local governance.

Planning often lacks the necessary aesthetics Naxxar deserves- Andrè Muscat

Participatory democracy serves as a counterbalance to the government’s trend towards centralisation, which diminishes the roles and responsibilities of local councils. Whereas in other EU member states local government is empowered and strengthened, in Malta, we are seeing the government taking away it responsibility and imposing decisions.

Running for the local council requires dedication, time and a willingness to listen to the concerns of fellow residents. Complaining will not bring about the change we seek; what is required is a proactive engagement and a commitment to making a difference in our community. This is why I accepted PN leader Bernard Grech’s request to contest the Naxxar local election.

In light of the challenges of governance at the national level, local councils play a crucial role in demonstrating effective leadership and governance. By delivering tangible results and offering practical solutions to local issues, we can build trust and confidence among residents. Across Europe, parties in opposition have risen to power by proving their ability to govern effectively at the local level. I am determined to play my part in bringing about the change our island truly needs.

On June 8, I urge you to vote and to choose the best candidate to serve on the Naxxar local council. Together, we can preserve our community values, promote participatory democracy and ensure the town’s character is respected. With your support, we can make a difference.

Andrè Muscat is PN candidate for the Naxxar local council.

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