The King’s Own Philharmonic Society of Valletta is holding a Passion event on Saturday as part of the activities to commemorate the 150th anniversary of its foundation.
The activitiy, entitled The Passion in the Streets of Valletta, is being performed in collaboration with the Għaqda Madonna tal-Grazzja, Banda San Mikiel of Żabbar.
At 7pm, the St Michael’s band will play funeral marches along the upper part of Republic Street, while a group of Roman soldiers will march from Republic Square to the King’s Own Band Club in Republic Street. The Passion pageant entourage starts leaving the club at 7.30pm, accompanied by the King’s Own Band playing funeral marches in front of the effigy of the Holy Crucifix, which will be carried shoulder high.
Valletta Passion display
A Passion display by Deemer Micallef, Shakira Micallef and Dominic Briffa will be on display at 135, St Dominic Street, Valletta. This collective exhibition, Mid-Dlam Għad Dawl, features Good Friday statuettes by various artists and other items related to the Passion of Jesus Christ.
The exhibition is open as follows: Palm Sunday from 8am to 1pm, on March 25, 26 and 27 from 4pm to 7pm, Maundy Thursday from 8am to 1pm and between 4 and 11pm, and on Good Friday between 7am and 1pm.