Q: Last August, I ordered bedroom furniture from a local supplier and we agreed that it would be delivered in September. However, the delivery was first postponed to October, then to November and eventually December.  During this delay, I was always the one who contacted the seller, and sometimes it took them days to reply to me.

Now I have finally been given a date when the bedroom will be delivered but I was informed that on the day they will only do the delivery and that the bedroom’s assembly will be done two weeks later. The company requested me to pay the balance due on delivery as stipulated in the sales contract.

I am afraid that something might go wrong during the assembly so I am hesitant to settle all the payment on delivery. I would like to know whether I should take some precautions to safeguard my rights? Should I refuse to settle the balance upon delivery?

A: Whether or not you should settle all the balance on delivery depends on what you agreed to when you signed the sales contract. If the contract clearly stipulates that the balance needs to be settled upon delivery, then you are obliged to honour the agreed contract.

Having said that, if you feel safer that a percentage of the balance is settled after the bedroom is assembled, you may discuss this option with the trader. If, however, the trader refuses, you will have to observe the signed contract.

With regard to your fear that something might go wrong during the assembly, if this is the case, regardless of whether you have paid the balance in full or not, you would still be entitled to claim a free remedy from the seller. If in such a situation the seller does not provide you with a suitable solution within a reasonable time, you may then lodge a formal complaint with the Office for Consumer Affairs.

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