A pensioner admitted to threatening a building contractor with a knife in an argument that erupted when he claimed his home was suffering damages due to construction works next door.
The 78-year-old man admitted to trying to seriously injure the contractor with a knife in Żejtun on Thursday.
Police Inspector Doriette Cuschieri said that on Thursday at about 6.50pm a building contractor was at the pensioner’s house because he claimed that he was suffering damage to his home due to construction works going on next door.
There was an argument and the pensioner tried to attack the contractor with a knife he grabbed from his house.
He was then called into the Żejtun police station and charged in court.
The case was put off for judgment to April 29.
Meanwhile, the pensioner was granted bail against a €500 deposit and a personal guarantee of €10,000.
He was bound not to approach the contractor.
Works to build an apartment block are expected to be completed within 10 months.
Magistrate Gabriella Vella ordered a ban on the names of both men
Lawyer Jurgen Dalli from the Attorney General’s office prosecuted with Inspector Cuschieri.
Lawyers Errol Cutajar and Luke Valletta appeared for the accused. Lawyer Jacob Magri appeared in parte civile.