Perry Magazine, published by Perry Real Estate Agents and Times of Malta, is this year celebrating its 25th year of publication, making it Malta’s longest surviving and leading printed real estate and culture magazine.

The Andrew Diacono sculpture which featured on the cover of the first issue of Perry Magazine.The Andrew Diacono sculpture which featured on the cover of the first issue of Perry Magazine.

First produced and circulated in 1999, this publication is widely regarded as a leading source of real estate information and is nowadays distributed not only with Malta’s leading newspaper, but also online and at the Malta International Airport.

The publication remains the go-to magazine for endless inspiration on the Maltese property market, offering valuable insights on the latest real estate trends. This reflects the standing that Perry Estate Agents enjoys – founded in 1981, the company is also approaching its 45th anniversary.

From its inception, the magazine has also displayed some enthralling magazine covers, featuring top works of art by both local and foreign artistic giants, including the likes of Girolamo Gianni, Edward Lear, Edward Caruana Dingli, George Large, H. M. Bateman and the list goes on. This has become a trademark of the magazine and has made it a collectible publication – and this year, the latest edition features a watercolour by the late Winston Hassall, featuring St Edward’s College Chapel.

Robert Spiteri Paris, managing director of Perry Real Estate Agents.Robert Spiteri Paris, managing director of Perry Real Estate Agents.

The 63rd edition of Perry Magazine will be out with The Sunday Times on February 9. For more information, visit

The latest edition of the magazine features a painting by the late Winston Hassall.The latest edition of the magazine features a painting by the late Winston Hassall.

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