Pig balloons and a poster reading 'Haven't you pigged out enough?' have been hung at Central Bank by a PN MEP calling for Edward Scicluna's resignation as governor.

The action was taken by David Casa, who is campaigning for re-election in June.

"To have a Central Bank Governor accused of fraud is ridiculous and flies in the face of the unwavering efforts of the hundreds of professionals who are upholding a world-class industry despite the corrupt buffoons who lead them," Casa said. 

Scicluna faces fraud charges against him related to a deal to privatise three state hospitals when he was finance minister. 

Last week, Chris Fearne, who faces similar charges, resigned as deputy prime minister and minister and withdrew his nomination as Malta's nominee to the next EU Commission. 

Scicluna, Fearne and others are are facing charges of fraud, misappropriation and fraudulent gain in connection with the 2015 deal.

They are among a second tier of defendants: Joseph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri also stand accused of corruption and trading in influence in connection with the deal. 

Scicluna has so far remained silent on the issue ahead of his arraignment, scheduled for May 29, but prime minister Robert Abela has insisted he will not sack him despite the charges. 

“Edward Scicluna departs from a presumption of innocence, and Edward was among those I was referring to when I said I will defend and support those who worked loyally for a number of years and were there for their country in the most sensitive moments,” Abela said.

But Casa said nobody subscribes to Abela's "cuckoo-land" account of what the country is going through.

"A week since criminal charges were filed against Scicluna, I echo the nation's appeal even more strongly: resign," he said. 

The pig balloons were a reference a comment by another former Labour MP Rosianne Cutajar, whose leaked messages said she was applying for a consultancy deal because "everyone else is pigging out". 

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