Updated 10am

Malta's two major political parties are planning to mobilise their supporters on Sunday, after the most dramatic week in Maltese politics since the collapse of the Sant government in 1998.

The Labour Party said on Tuesday that it will hold an activity addressed by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in Fgura on Sunday morning. It had earlier planned the activity for Żejtun but then changed the venue.

Meanwhile, PN General Secretary Clyde Puli on Wednesday said the Nationalist Party will hold a "national protest" on Sunday.

Details will be issued later, it said. 

Public activities related to the current political crisis have so far been limited to protests organised by civil society organisations Repubblika and Occupy Justice, which held four demonstrations within a week in Valletta.

The last one, on Tuesday evening, drew many thousands of people who called for the resignation of the prime minister.

Education Minister Evarist Bartolo earlier on Wednesday in a Facebook post warned against fanning hatred and sparking the hotheads.

Matthew Caruana Galizia, the son of murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, has however urged people to steer clear of the political events. 

"This is not a time for tribal politics," he wrote. "Joseph Muscat wants us to go to war against each other. Our war is against corruption, against his office, the Office of the Prime Murderer. Join the protests."  

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