The Planning Authority on Friday blocked access to a large site in Marsascala to prevent further illegal deposition of material on agricultural land.

The field, which is outside the development zone and located within an area known as il-Bidni, covers a stretch of land measuring around 8,000m².

It has recently been subjected to illegal dumping and levelling of the same material, the PA said.

It said that, in August, it identified the person responsible for the illegal actions and issued a stop and enforcement notice requiring the removal of the illegal dumping and the reinstatement of the agricultural land to its original state.

The notice carries the highest daily penalty.

As the contravener ignored the instructions of the enforcement notice and deposited additional material on site, the authority sealed the site so as not to allow further abuse.

The PA said it would be closely monitoring the situation on-site in the coming days.

Unless the contravener carries out remedial action to remove the illegal dumping, the PA will proceed to remove the material and reinstate the land, at the full expense of the contravener.

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