Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasised the need for unity and solidarity during a summit between EU leaders and western Balkan states in Brussels.

Abela told the summit that, without doubt, the future of Balkan states was within the EU.

The summit discussed how the western Balkan states could be gradually integrated within the union and how to reduce the impact the Ukraine war was having on the region.

Abela said it was now the time to continue to incentivise the necessary reforms for the western Balkan countries to continue with their preparations to join the EU in future.

A declaration was signed at the end of the summit for political and strategic commitment and an expansion plan which would lead to integration as well as the setting up of a campus for a European college at Tirana where EU students could study.

The declaration is the basis on which the EU and the western Balkans will build their policies aimed at improving the people’s quality of life.

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