Angelo Gafa’s contract as police commissioner should not be renewed once it expires in the coming days, the Nationalist Party said on Saturday.

PN MP and Home Affairs spokesperson Darren Carabott said Gafa’s time in office had been characterised by “serious deficiencies” that led to a lack of enforcement and demoralised officers within the police force.

“Labour’s failure to remove the commissioner led to the police force’s reputation being tarnished, with resources, recruitment and motivation all declining,” Carabott said in a statement.

The PN has criticised the current commissioner on several occasions. It said that while the government had ignored calls to sack him, it now had a perfect opportunity to change leadership.

“There are several people in the country capable of filling this important role and who would be willing to act when their country needs them to,” the PN said.

“The PN believes this is an opportunity for both sides of the House to identify a unanimous choice (for police commissioner) who is capable of working in Malta’s favour and work without fear or favour.”

Gafa was appointed police commissioner in June 2020 and was the first commissioner to be appointed following a public call. He previously served as CEO of the police force, having spent a career as a police investigator and inspector.

He succeeded Lawrence Cutajar as commissioner.

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