The Nationalist Party has launched its billboard campaign, taking a swipe at Labour’s electoral slogan “Is-Saħħa lill-Maltin” (Strength to the Maltese), crossing out the first word and replacing it with “Sraqna” (We Robbed).

The billboards were put up overnight across Malta.

Before the PN launched its billboard countercampaign, the PL slogan had already been targeted by social media users who played around with the word "saħħa".

Some questioned the cheek of PL to include the word - which also means 'health' - following the hospitals' deal fallout, while others replaced "saħħa" with the similarly-sounding "saħta" (curse).

A meme replacing saħħa with saħta. Photo: FacebookA meme replacing saħħa with saħta. Photo: Facebook

At the same time, soon after the party launched its campaign slogan Għalik (For you), a new website that pinched the slogan for a new URL with the same slogan cropped up and ran an attack against the PN.

Despite being named and using the PN’s branding and colours from its new electoral campaign, the website is not affiliated with the PN in any way.

The website, used PN's electoral slogan but attacks the PN.The website, used PN's electoral slogan but attacks the PN.

The mostly empty website is currently hosting a single video, which has targeted the PN’s new slogan and contradicts the party’s intended message.

Flashing images of PN politicians, including Bernard Grech and Roberta Metsola, the video, which is titled “Għalihom” says “They don’t want the 8th of June for you, but for themselves”.

It goes on to play a clip of Grech saying “we will rip them away from the seat of power” and a separate clip of him saying that the PN will be in government in three years.

The video also features PN education shadow minister Justin Schembri who this week came under fire for equating the Indian diaspora in Malta to “filth”.

The video ends with a picture of David Casa, Lawrence Gozi and Simon Busuttil, with the words “Għalihom mhux għalik” (for themselves, not for you) superimposed on top of them.

According to the site’s hosting data, it was created on April 29, with the content of the site being updated on May 1 at around 11 am.

The site creator is not publicly disclosed and no one has claimed ownership of it at the time of writing.

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