The Nationalist Party has called on the prime minister to publish his overdue 2023 declaration of assets and those of his ministers and parliamentary secretaries.  

"Robert Abela persists in secrecy and impunity by withholding information that should be made public to ensure that he, his ministers, and his parliamentary secretaries are subject to public scrutiny and held accountable for their actions. This information is essential to uncover any abuse of power or unexplained wealth and serves as a tool to combat bribery, corruption, nepotism, conflicts of interest, and the acquisition of undue advantages," the PN said. 

It said that over the past few years, the ministerial declaration of assets was published as follows: 

  • For the year 2013: presented on 7 July 2014;
  • For the year 2014: presented on 24 June 2015;
  • For the year 2015: presented on 27 April 2016;
  • For the year 2016: no record of presentation;
  • For the year 2017: presented on 1 October 2018;
  • For the year 2018: presented on 19 June 2019;
  • For the year 2019: presented on 12 October 2020;
  • For the year 2020: presented on 16 June 2021;
  • For the year 2021: presented on 24 October 2022;
  • For the year 2022: presented on 24 April 2023; and
  • For the year 2023: no record of presentation.

Karol Aquilina, Shadow Minister for Justice, signed the PN statement. 

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