Updated 5.15pm with Labour statement 

The PN has called for authorities and institutions to "uncover what led to the tragic death" of Karl Gouder, who was on the verge of becoming the party's general secretary. 

In a statement on Wednesday afternoon, the Nationalist Party joined the Gouder family's call for information on the circumstances surrounding his death. 

The 45-year-old was found dead in Valletta early on Tuesday morning, with police sources saying the death is not being treated as suspicious.

However, allegations on social media that Gouder received threats in the days before his death have sparked concern.

"In this tragic situation, we understand that it is in the interest of everyone involved in public life to discover the truth, and if someone contributed to Karl Gouder’s death, they should face justice," the PN said. 

"Whoever they are, wherever they are from," it continued.

The party urged anyone with relevant information to pass it on to inquiring Magistrate Antoine Agius Bonnici.

"We demand that all the authorities and institutions in our country use the powers and resources at their disposal to uncover what led to the tragic death of Karl Gouder," it said. 

Gouder's death has "deeply wounded" his family, friends and colleagues, as well as the leadership and grassroots of the party, it continued. 

"This is a pain we will continue to live with, and we are determined to treat it as a daily reminder of the need to care for each other and for the society we form part of," it said.

"We want justice, not revenge. The Partit Nazzjonalista firmly believes that justice is a virtue essential for the well-being of all of us living together."

In a statement later on Wednesday the Labour Party also backed calls for people to come forward with any information that could assist the police and the inquiring magistrate looking into Gouder's death. 

The PL extended its solidarity to the Gouder family and said that it wanted the facts and the whole truth about the death to be made public. 

"Karl Gouder was a politician respected by all, dedicated to the service that he willingly took on and to the community and Maltese society. He worked without ever harming anybody," they said. 

"This is a moment where maturity must prevail as much as national unity." 

Gouder had previously shared on social media his struggles with mental health.

The sudden death came days after Times of Malta announced he was the front-runner to occupy the post of party general secretary. 

He had held the role of chief operation officer of the PN’s media arm and had been outgoing general secretary Michael Piccinino’s right-hand man during most of his tenure.

His sister-in-law Maxine Gouder went public with a request for information as the family comes to terms with a death that shocked political circles in Malta. 

Former PN MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando told Times of Malta he had filed a police report about "reliable information" that Gouder was threatened, though he acknowledged he had no proof. He also would not reveal who he was referring to. 

Blogger and author Mark Camilleri also claimed that Gouder was being threatened, saying former OPM official-turned-blogger Neville Gafà was behind those threats. 

Gafà told Times of Malta that was untrue and that he had never met, spoken or texted Gouder. 

A police investigation and a magisterial inquiry into the death are currently ongoing.

"It is not prudent to divulge further information at this stage," a spokesman said.

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