The planning authority has changed from regulator to developer, the Nationalist Party has charged, upping criticism on the proposed university at Żonqor Point.

PN environment spokes-man Ryan Callus yesterday criticised the role of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority’s CEO, Johann Buttigieg, in the selection of the site for the university.

“Under Labour, Mepa changed its role from regulator to developer,” Mr Callus said, accusing Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of ignoring the public outcry against the project proposed on virgin land at Marsascala.

Addressing a press conference on the eve of today’s protest by Front Ħarsien ODZ, Mr Callus said it was deplorable that after such staunch opposition Dr Muscat had not yet announced that the project would be built at an alternative site.

Shadow education minister Therese Comodini Cachia said that, from an educational point of view, the PN wanted to maintain a high standard of tertiary education.

Secrecy is becoming a hallmark of this government

She said the PN would continue to insist with the National Commission for Further and Higher Education for a thorough due diligence before any new university licence was issued.

She was referring to recent changes in the law amending the requirements for institutions seeking accreditation as universities.

The PN had argued this was done to accommodate the Jordanian investors who want to build an American University of Malta at Żonqor, something the government has denied.

Reiterating the PN’s call for the publication of the agreement signed between the government and the Jordanian Sadeen Group, shadow environment minister Marthese Portelli said it was not fair on the public to be kept in the dark.

Dr Portelli said that, so far, it was only the government and the Jordanian investor who knew what was agreed behind closed doors.

“Secrecy is becoming a hallmark of this government,” Dr Portelli said.

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