Robert Abela on Sunday rallied supporters to get out and vote on March 26, warning the PN will interpret abstentions as a vote in their favour. 

Addressing a rally in Paola, the Prime Minister said the electorate had a clear choice between the certainty and stability offered by Labour or an opposition that offers instability and division.

“The other side wants people to stay home. For every vote that is not cast, they will count it as a vote in their favour,” Abela said.

In a time of turmoil brought about by the pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine, Abela questioned supporters whether they were ready to run the risk of a PN government being elected.

“Are you ready to take the risk? The emphasis must remain on the future. We offer stability and certainty. We will continue building a modern country,” Abela said.

He appealed to all those who voted Labour for the first time in 2013 and 2017 to stick with the party, so it could keep on delivering a better country.

Without going into specifics, Abela acknowledged there were “moments when we could have been much better”.

Abela said him becoming prime minister in January 2020 was a time to learn from "those moments".

“I was not perfect either. We took difficult and courageous decisions to address these shortcomings.

“Now it is time to look to the future. Join me over the next 20 days. Let us build on the good created…We are team Malta,” the prime minister said.

He said the last two years is proof of why Labour is needed in government.

Abela said the government had successfully steered Malta through the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritising lives and livelihoods.

By contrast, he said the PN had tried to gain political mileage from the pandemic.

Abela said the PN had tried to divide the country, and even ended up changing their leader halfway through.

He said a country’s leadership cannot be taken for granted, particularly in tough times.

Abela said the country deserves strong, stable leadership as offered by Labour.

He vowed that if given his own first electoral mandate, he will work relentlessly to improve people’s lives and offer a brighter future for the next generation.

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