A new anthology, Il-Ħsad tal-Peprin (Poppy Harvest), presents the collective expression of various Maltese poets who could no longer remain silent in the face of the suffering of the Palestinian people, especially after the unfolding of events over the past months. 

David Aloisio and John P. Portelli, the editors of this collection, invite readers to experience the range of emotions expressed in these poems, sometimes overflowing with empathy, other times overwhelmed by the anguish and the frustration felt when one is powerless to alleviate, even if just a little, the hardship and the oppression caused to others.

 All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to Medical Aid for Palestinians, a charity working for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.

The book is printed by Horizons, with the aid of the Department for Culture. Copies are available here

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