So a judge said there is no proof of wrongdoing in the Panama Papers saga. I might be out of touch with the matter, but if I am not mistaken someone once said it was a crime for someone to open a company in Panama and not notify the taxman.
If I am mistaken, my apologies to the learned judge.
To remain on the subject of the courts, may I refer to a letter by Eddy Privitera (‘Time to leave’, January 21) whose heading is not really correct because what he writes further stresses Simon Busuttil’s determination to keep on fighting a just cause.
The members of the judiciary mentioned in both cases know that Hearnville, Tillgate and Egrant exist. They also know that 17 Black exists.
Poking fun at Busuttil and saying that it is “time to leave” does not diminish by one iota the fact (now proven) that the courts have taken the line of least resistance in both cases.
Of course, nobody blames them.
I would like to thank the correspondent for reminding me of the cheques for the police. I had forgotten about that, perhaps because I was stunned by the brilliance of Edward Scicluna’s Budget speech. However, the correspondent does not give full, deserved justice to the cheque-signing exercise because he forgot to mention the many cheques the minister signed in respect of the many hefty direct orders given out to friends by his colleagues.
I hope the Finance Minister did not suffer from wrist fatigue in this very strenuous and tedious job.