Two men who were caught breaching bail conditions by police officers in St Paul's Bay were arrested and charged on Friday following a car chase.

Lee Formosa, 21, was charged with refusing to obey the orders of the police, breaching his conditions of bail, and damaging a police vehicle.

He pleaded not guilty.

Meanwhile, Owen Cremona, 25, pleaded guilty to breaching his conditions of bail.

In the early hours of Friday morning, police officers from the St Pauls Bay district approached a car with two people who were acting suspiciously.

As soon as the driver spotted the officers, he started the car and sped off.

A police chase unfolded as officers pursued the vehicle along the St Paul’s Bay coast.

Formosa lost control of his car and crashed into another police car, causing €8,000 in damages.

After the men were arrested, the police discovered they were violating bail conditions by being out so late. The bail conditions are linked to separate cases where they are facing charges of drug possession and trafficking.

The prosecution heavily contested Formosa’s request for bail following this incident and bad conduct.

Magistrate Victor Axiak did not grant Formosa bail, citing concerns that Formosa would not follow bail.

In Cremona's case - who pleaded guilty to breaching bail - the prosecution did not believe that he deserved to face the maximum punishment.

The magistrate decided to give Cremona another chance, imposing a €200 fine and confiscating €100.

Inspector Italo Mizzi prosecuted.

Defence lawyers Franco Debono, Marion Camilleri and Adreana Zammit appeared for both accused.

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