A large number of police officers backed by ambulances and emergency vehicles descended on Bidnija on Tuesday evening after reports that people were being held hostage in a house, only to discover the report was false and possibly intended to disrupt a livestreamed gaming session.
A police spokesperson confirmed that police received a phone call from an international number on Tuesday reporting that hostages were being held inside a house.
But when they arrived on location officers found no hostages, only a group of gamers playing online video games during a livestream.
A photo sent to Times of Malta appears to have been taken during the police raid on the house. It shows an officer inside an empty room with gaming chairs and other equipment.
The screenshot also shows what appear to be video game graphics and a tally at the bottom, indicating that over €7,500 had been collected at that point.
Video game professionals often raise money during their live streams. They use platforms that allow viewers to donate directly to them or a chosen cause and the platforms often have features like donation goals and alerts that encourage viewers to contribute.
Suspected swatting
The case is being investigated and sources close to the police said they are suspecting a case of swatting.
Swatting is a crime that involves making a false report to emergency services, such as the police, about a serious crime that is supposedly in progress.
The goal of swatting is to trigger a large police response, often involving a SWAT team, to the location of the victim.
Police suspect that in this case, the report was made by a group of rival video gamers whose intention was to disrupt the opponent's progress in the game.