Pope Benedict XVI expressed his joy on the eve of the beatification of his "great predecessor" Jean Paul II in a short televised message to the people of Poland this evening.

"I share with you the joy that fills my heart and my spirit," said Pope Benedict XVI in the message ahead of tomorrow's mass in the Vatican, which will bring the late Polish-born Pope close to sainthood.

Part of the broadcast on public television was spoken in Polish, followed by Italian.

"The Church in Poland and the whole Polish nation that he so loved will have (in him) a new patron and protector," said the Pope.

Some 500,000 pilgrims are expected to attend the beatification ceremony, which will confer the status of "blessed" on a pope who survived an assassination attempt and helped fight Communist rule during his nearly 27 years in office.

John Paul II became Pope in 1978 -- the first non-Italian Pope in more than four centuries.

He died in 2005 following years of ill health.

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