The government will continue to take decisions to move the country forward, address the people's concerns and ensure there is a fairer society, Robert Abela said on Sunday.
Speaking during whistle-stop visits to the Labour Party clubs in Qormi and Balzan, the prime minister also spoke on the tax refund cheques being issued this week, saying they were part of a chain of initiatives to reward the people's hard work.
Last week, Abela announced another round of tax rebate cheques for people who earn less than €60,000, costing the government €26 million.
The opposition, Abela continued, had tried to portray the tax refunds as an isolated payout that made no material difference in people’s lives, however, he insisted that this was only one link in a chain of initiatives.
In the context of inflation, Abela said that although the government had kept the prices of energy and fuel stable, there was still a need for additional aid and that was why it had introduced a mechanism to account for the cost of living crisis.
Saying that the government had so far invested €16 million for the benefit of 48,000 families he said that in the past the PN had instead chosen to burden the people.
“We are not going to burden anyone and we will fulfil every promise we have made,” Abela said.
Abela went on to say that the government would continue to grow the economy but not at any cost, which was why, he added, the reform in the planning sector was needed for citizens to feel a sense of fairness where everyone’s voice was heard.
It was also this sense of fairness which was spurring the government to invest more in open spaces and recreational spaces
Abela announced the reform last Monday, particularly to change the current situation where building works could start even when building permits were being contested.