Urban greening plans by the newly set up Project Green are welcome news for many of our towns. However, the accelerated wave of construction, destroying existing open spaces, make one wonder whether this is simply a greenwashing exercise by rumoured Labour MEP candidate Steve Ellul, who is chairing the government organisation.

Trees and other plants, both on land and under water, act as natural carbon absorbers and, therefore, assist in the reduction of greenhouse gases and in climate change mitigation.

Furthermore, trees have a positive effect on an area’s microclimate and greenery is known to improve mental health.

In addition, soil absorbs excess rainwater, reducing flooding. Yet, over the years, successive governments have allowed for building within our valley-beds, consequently covering more of our precious land with asphalt.

Way back in 2006, the Nationalist government led by Lawrence Gonzi “rationalised” two million square metres of land, designating it for development.

Labour’s 2013 manifesto promised to reverse the process, as well as introduce solar rights.

A decade later, the Labour government not only went back on these pledges but has, in some respects, deregulated planning and developed roads which date back to the old local plan, despite the government’s official policy being to reduce car dependency.

Such approach has led to further loss of agricultural land, which is crucial in providing a source of food for locals and farmers’ livelihoods.

Lack of political will to reverse the 2006 decision has resulted in a frenzy of development taking place on virgin land. The massive project recently approved in Żonqor is one such example.

In this instance, later changes to policy allowed developers to destroy carob trees in the area. Despite the discovery of archaeological remains, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage has given the green light by stating that the respective structures are not of significant importance.

Unfortunately, big developers often have the upper hand and the bias towards them is more than obvious. In fact, a Planning Authority board member had been flown in by private jet in order to pass a vote in favour of db Group’s mega project in Pembroke.

This does not come as a surprise: as tycoon Joseph Portelli puts it, developers build strong ties with both major political parties, through donations.

History can teach us that resistance brings change- Daniel Desira

Due to this relationship, Labour and the PN keep on favouring the construction lobby over our quality of life. Portelli’s tactics also involve sponsoring band clubs and Ħamrun Spartans, of which he is president, fuelling sympathy from the working class.

First and foremost, we need a truly independent Planning Authority, whereby board members do not have professional connections with the construction lobby.

Institutional independence would help to make sure that the decisions made on development applications take into account the public interest with regard to the safeguarding of open spaces as well as consideration of issues like traffic, infrastructure and aesthetics.

Existing policies ought to be strengthened rather than weakened as happened with some changes in recent years.

The current situation also requires to be tamed by halting big construction projects, while assigning veto powers to local councils as democratically elected bodies. Public financing of political parties would curb the influence of big business on policymaking, hence ameliorating the situation.

I cannot help but genuinely thank the likes of Moviment Graffitti for their dedication in assisting local communities with objections and fighting the power of big business, as well as ADPD, the Green Party, for their consistent track record in their policies on the matter.

History can teach us that resistance brings change. Organising, protesting and voting in the right candidates can achieve a reversal in the current trajectory.

Daniel Desira is a green activist, putting social justice at the heart of environmental issues. Follow him on Instagram or Facebook.

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