A project to train employers in diversity management and develop non-discrimination lesson plans for teachers was launched this morning by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality.

The €187,000 project ‘Enhancing Equal Rights’ is being funded by the European Union and the government. It will address all factions of society, including enterprises, NGOs, children, trade unions and national and local authorities.

It will include training for teachers on non-discrimination, equality mainstreaming and inclusion, proposing a review of syllabi from an equality perspective, while lesson plans will be developed for primary and secondary school children on non-discrimination.

An anti-racism theme day will also be organised to promote cultural diversity through music and entertainment, and a have-your-say campaign will be launched. This campaign invites people who have been discriminated against or know someone who suffered discrimination based on sexual orientation, ethnicity, belief and gender identity among others, to voice their concern in a booth set up in public places. These complaints will be videoed and some will feature in an awareness campaign.

Civil Liberties Minister Helena Dalli noted that most cases of discrimination go unreported. Studies show prevalence of discrimination at the workplace, mainly against people of different ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

Last week, Ms Dalli signed a joint call to the European Commission to adopt a comprehensive policy to fight discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

“The government is working to enhance equal rights and grant more rights to minority groups. This week I presented in Parliament amendments to the civil code ensuring that people who underwent a gender re-assignment surgery are recognised according to their acquired gender. I have already set up a consultative council on LGBT rights which is currently working on a Civil Unions Act and in the coming months we will also have in place a Gender Identity Act,” she said.

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