Philip Carabot: Sex workers simply do not trust the system.Philip Carabot: Sex workers simply do not trust the system.

Prostitution should be legalised and made as safe as possible with compulsory regular health checks, like the German model, according to Malta’s top sexual health expert.

“I have found it very difficult over the years to attract sex workers to the clinic. They simply do not trust the system, because they are an illegal profession,” GU clinic consultant Philip Carabot said.

Dr Carabot was speaking to The Sunday Times of Malta following a report on sexual health published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, which profiled EU and European Economic Area (EEA) member states. Unlike several other countries, Malta does not have a national prevention programme for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which targets three specific, vulnerable groups: men having sex with men, migrants and sex workers.

Read the full story in The Sunday Times of Malta, the e-paper or premium here.

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