MEP David Casa’s provisional agreement on the Social Climate Fund was approved at committee level, clearing a key hurdle before the final approval by the European Parliament’s plenary session later in spring.
“Today’s vote confirms the outcome of several months of difficult negotiations,” Casa said.
“It is very positive news that brings us decisively closer to the investments supported by the Social Climate Fund.”
Casa was the lead negotiator for the fund on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. The provisional agreement was voted through the joint employment - environment committee and this is the first time that the negotiated deal received feedback by MEPs.
It paves the way for the final approval in plenary following support by member states.
The agreement expands the size of the fund, including a significantly better allocation for Malta and improved safeguards on the use of funds.
Other legislative files negotiated as part of the broader fit-for-55 package were also adopted earlier today. Casa thanked his counterpart in the committee, MEP Esther de Lange, for the excellent cooperation throughout.
“The Social Climate Fund is the EU’s social safety valve in the climate transition,” Casa said.
“It will finance targeted measures that will have long-lasting positive impacts on the lives of citizens not only in Malta, but also across Europe,” he added.