On the 60th anniversary of Malta’s independence, Quinque is publishing The Stolper Report, a facsimile of the report in limited edition on Malta’s economic and social situation submitted to the government in January 1964 by a United Nations Mission headed by the American-German professor, Wolfgang Stolper.

When made public on the eve of independence, the report generated huge controversies.

It presented a realistic description and assessment of Malta’s economy and society at that time, and suggested the policies to be adopted for the island to overcome the challenges that independence would bring.

The report is being published exactly in the format in which it arrived on the desks of decision-makers in the Malta of 60 years ago.

In his incisive foreword to The Stolper Report, Godfrey Baldacchino comments on how the Stolper recommendations helped change the island’s destiny at a time when huge uncertainties prevailed. Getting to know from where the Maltese islands started makes sense now that a big debate is being launched about how we need to change the country’s model of development.

At a time when, in Malta, a deep discussion is taking place about the economic and social changes that are needed, The Stolper Report makes for essential reading.

Commissioned by the UN, the report was prepared by a mission of development experts headed by Stolper, from Michigan University, who had worked in Nigeria and other developing countries.

When it was published, The Stolper Report raised hackles, not least for its blunt language. “There are no quick solutions… Without an increase in efficiency, it is not possible to create permanent jobs…”

However, the report made a wide range of policy proposals that are still being followed today.

The Stolper Report will be on sale from online distributors, stationers and from the Quinque website.

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