Extracts from the Pope’s message for Lent 2021, entitled Lent: A Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love.

Fasting, prayer and almsgiving

“Fasting, prayer and almsgiving, as preached by Jesus, enable and express our conversion. The path of poverty and self-denial (fasting), concern and loving care for the poor (almsgiving), and childlike dialogue with the Father (prayer) make it possible for us to live lives of sincere faith, living hope and effective charity.”

Lent, a time for believing

“Lent is a time for believing, for welcoming God into our lives and allowing Him to “make His dwelling” among us. Fasting is being freed from all that weighs us down – like consumerism or an excess of information, true or false – in order to open the doors of our hearts to the One who comes to us, poor yet ‘full of grace and truth’: the Son of God our Saviour.”

Love is a gift

“Love rejoices in seeing others grow. It suffers when others are anguished, lonely, sick, homeless, despised or in need. Love brings us out of ourselves and creates bonds of sharing and communion. Love is a gift that gives mean­ing to our lives. It enables us to view those in need as members of our  family, friends, brothers or sisters. A small amount,  given with love, never ends, but becomes a source of life.”

Experiencing Lent with love

“To experience Lent with love means caring for those who suffer or feel abandoned and fearful because of the pandemic. In these days of deep uncertainty about the future, let us keep in mind the Lord’s word to his Servant, ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you’ (Is 43:1). In our charity, may we speak words of reassurance and help others to realise that God loves them as sons and daughters.”

(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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