Extracts from the Pope’s message for the World Day of Peace last Wednesday on the theme ‘Peace as a journey of hope: dialogue, reconciliation and ecological conversion’:

Ecological conversion

“Faced with the consequences of our hostility towards others, our lack of respect for our common home or our abusive exploitation of natural resources – seen only as a source of immediate profit, regardless of local communities, the common good and nature itself – we are in need of an ecological conversion.

“The Synod on the Pan-Amazon Region moves us to make a pressing renewed call for a peaceful relationship between communities and the land, between present and past, between experience and hope.”

Fear weakens relationships

“Peace and international stability are incompatible with the fear of mutual destruction or the threat of total annihilation. They can be achiev­ed only on the basis of a glo­bal ethic of solidarity and cooperation in the service of a future shaped by interdependence and shared responsibility in the whole human family of today and tomorrow. Every threatening situation feeds mistrust and leads people to withdraw into their safety zone. Mis­trust and fear weaken re­la­tionships and increase the risk of violence, creating a vicious circle that can never lead to a relationship of peace. Nuclear deterrence can only produce the illusion of security.”

Peace and the economy

“What is true of peace in a social context is also true in the areas of politics and the economy, since peace permeates every dimension of life in common. There can be no true peace unless we show ourselves capable of developing a more just economic system. As Pope Benedict XVI said in Caritas in Veri­tate, ‘to defeat underdevelopment, action is required not only on im­proving exchange-based transactions and implanting public welfare structures, but above all on gradually increasing openness, in a world context, to forms of economic activity marked by quotas of gratuitousness and communion’ (No. 39).”

God and peace

“The grace of God our Father is bestowed as unconditional love. Having received His forgiveness in Christ, we can set out to offer that peace to the men and women of our time. Day by day, the Holy Spirit prompts in us ways of thinking and speaking that can make us artisans of justice and peace.”

(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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