The Church in Malta will celebrate this year’s Day of Charity on April 29 and 30.

Through various residential homes and charitable work, the Church welcomes and serves those in need, irrespective of their race, skin colour or belief. The aim of this event, which is held each year on the initiative of the Secretariat for Diaconia of the Archdiocese of Malta, is to increase awareness of the work being done by Church entities with vulnerable people in society.

There are currently over 1,600 people living in Church residential homes. These include children and youths, elderly people, persons with special needs, people being helped to overcome drug addiction, immigrants and refugees, domestic violence victims, women who have resorted to prostitution, and homeless people. In addition, there are around 1,450 families receiving help from parish priests and professionals through the diaconia services in the parishes.

Over 1,600 people live in Church residential homes and around 1,450 families receive help from parish priests and professionals

The entities participating in this year’s Charity Day are Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Hospitals Chaplaincy, Fondazzjoni Caritas Malta, Fondazzjoni Sebħ, the Church homes for the elderly, the Migrants’ Commission, the Peace Lab, the Jesuit Refugee Service, Corradino Correctional Facility Chaplaincy, St Jeanne Antide Foundation, the Millenium Chapel, Paolo Freire Institute Foundation, Dar Merħba Bik, Dar Osanna Pia, Dar Hosea, Youth Alive Foundation, Dar Frate Jacoba, the Segretarjat Assistenza Soċjali, Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem, Ursuline Creche Home, Soup Kitchen OFM in Valletta and the Diocesan Diaconia Commission.

Donations to these entities may be made either by contributing to collections held during masses this weekend; or by sending a cheque payable to Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta and mailed to Segretarjat Djakonija, Jum il-Karità,  Archbishop’s Curia, P.O. Box 1, Floriana FRN1520. The minimum amount for cheques accepted by banks is €20.01; or by making a donation online at and inserting Jum il-Karità in the message field so that the money will be used for this purpose.

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