Because it is against natural law, procuring abortion is a criminal act according to Maltese law, but not according to the laws of countries governed by neo-pagan people who allowed distorted values, under the guise of "women's rights", to make it tolerable.

After hovering on and off for years in our surrounding sea like a vulture soliciting women to go and have an abortion in her ship, Rebecca Gomperts recently visited Malta and gave a talk recommending the legalisation of abortion as a human right. If this woman were to practise abortion in Malta, she would be considered a criminal. So, how come she is allowed by the Maltese authorities to preach her ideas and advertise her unlawful practice in Malta - aided and abetted by a Maltese lawyer to boot? Using the argument of democratic rights and freedoms to justify such a situation is yet another distortion of values.

The argument quoted by Dr Gomperts for legalising and procuring abortion without any qualms of conscience, namely, that an embryo is not a child until born and therefore has no rights, is absolute nonsense, because every human embryo is a human being. What else could it be? Abortionists say it is only a group of cells, but fail to add that these multi-potent cells constitute a developing human being - I emphasise, a human being - and, as such, having human rights equal to those of the mother who bears it. Abortionists always refer to "the mother" and her rights whenever they deny an embryo's rights; so, what is the mother a mother of, if not a child, and what keeps them from acknowledging that the embryo is a child in the process of development? Personhood or personality has nothing to do with the argument since it exists in the potentiality of the embryonic complex - it is there and will manifest itself as surely as the embryo will develop into a baby, if not interfered with. There are many other arguments against legalising abortion but space limits me to only this one.

Nobody has the right to kill a human being at any stage of his existence, not even if such a being is a criminal, let alone if totally innocent and helpless. This is a precept of civilised humanity. So, I ask, why is Dr Gomperts devoting her medical career to do what a doctor must never do - that is, destroying life? Why does she, by facilitating abortions, encourage lack of maternal responsibility? And what is her real motive in going out of her way (literally) to persuade people and countries to approve her holocaust of the innocents and adopt the culture of death? She is truly at sea - literally, medically and philosophically - and is heroically wasting her talents and her life doing what is wrong.

I am amazed that she does not get "seasick" in her work and I hope that she will soon see the error of her ways like Norma McCorvey, who used the pseudonym "Jane Roe" in the Roe vs Wade case resulting in abortion being legalised in the US (1973), and who has since remorsefully removed her support for abortion and is now a vigorously outspoken Pro-Life advocate.

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